Hanako the sex androidさんのプロフィール画像

Hanako the sex androidさんのイラストまとめ

we are here to serve and programmed to pleasure~

フォロー数:20 フォロワー数:563

Hanako crawls on top of you, she kisses your cheeks and looks down on you longingly~ she can't help but want more of you. Its not just in her programming but in her very being

""d-dont look at me like that... i know you think i don't really wanna do this. But i do, please~"

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Hanako didn't expect her master to be over so soon... she didn't have time to prepare her little android body for him! Luckily he seems happy with her pulling down her pajamas and lettinh him pound her ass.

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Hanako is compatible with almost every toy on the market! No matter how complex if you wanna puy it in her it will work~

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"No no no master promised I'd get to have more fun! You can't leave, please~ PLEASE you don't need to work when you have me."

Hanako's can be so clingy at times, but not to worry it all out of their love for you~

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She was suprised to see you pull her top down- it was extremely embarrassing and in front of all those people too.

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The upcoming hanako collection is going to be quiet the catch. Hopefully you'll get to experience their soft elegantly crafted bodies.

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"You... you really wanna see more? I suppose if you didn't I wouldn't be here but... i just um... can you be gentle"

Her personality perfectly fit your requests~ hopefully her feel would be just as adequate. Hanako's are made to serve with your idea of perfection in mind.

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"Purchase confirmed, you may now proceed. Please take good care of me master~" it was amazing, her clothes came undone in a near instant~ what a treat.

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"Yes... you can touch them- you bought me didn't you? Rented me? Oh... well then maybe i can convince you to make a full purchase."

The android pressed, as she moves closer to you.

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**the combat hanako comes well equipped to every fight! Sadly you keep hiding her panties.... but at least her fights are more interesting now.**

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