

Stan's Coffee Stand: Open Fridays
I'm Cogs
🐇: Sir Stannis & Prince Godric
Squibbles: Ursa and Luna
💚🌈: Ghost, Renly, Lady Olenna, Virgil, Dante

フォロー数:5136 フォロワー数:6846

Remake the Silent Hill Games for the switch!!!!
(I just wanna play Silent Hill 3 while I'm lying in bed)

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The first book I read was The Eyes of the Dragon
Last book I read by him was Doctor Sleep.

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I have the same problem. Ive been playing the Tales of series rpgs. Then when I finish one (which are like 80 hours long) I have another one to go to!

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I still think Jiraiya is my fave. But i do love Carmen

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