

Mediocrity at its finest Esteem at its lowest Art at a decent level! I’m Ramen and I’m here to subject to to my oddity. 26|They/Them|March 23

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Hellooooooo Zombie nurse! She pops up time to time on Widow’s adventures as a healer or just because Amalthea is lost.

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When you’re made of two forbidden lesbian lovers and they cry everytime you visit somewhere significant to them and you don’t know why you’re crying.

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More Widow facts why not. Widow is part of an elite counsel of Paladins called the Order Six and is the second highest ranking member. While she is still part of the order she was chased out of the citadel by the members under her because of her gender and species.

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I’m opening up as money is tight and I would like to purchase resources to possibly make merch. For character sheets you’d have to DM as it’s the only one with a varied price.

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Giant woman running a small bar

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More Widow for my personal Widow needs

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Redesign of Widow. Wanted to make her color scheme softer and cuter and her sword and clothes more ornate.

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