

The maturity of an individual is determined by how much uncertainty and paradox he is able to endure. - Carl Gustav Jung

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How will I step on the threshold,
Not understanding, not deciding:
Are you my son or God?
That is, dead or alive?


Son or God, I am yours.

Joseph Brodsky. ~ poetry

Pieta. Detail. 1498 ~ 1499
Rom. Cathedral of st. Peter.
Michelangelo Buonarroti.

30 62

Violin and jug. 1909 - 1910.
Art Museum in Basel.
Georges Braque.

60 163

Gradiva ~ a work created by Masson based on the essay of Sigmund Freud "Delirium and Dreams" of Gradiva "Jensen" Surrealists perceived Gradiva as an ideal woman, able to reconcile creation and destruction, life and death, realistic and surreal

"Gradiva". 1939. Andre Masson.

18 36

"What could be freer than human imagination".

David Hume.

Biological Fantasy. 1946
Helen Lundeberg

52 155

Life began simple, and then created a complex world in which we live. It's not just mathematics or just geometry. This is a living map of the Creation of all Reality.

Drunvalo Melchizedek.
"The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life".

God the Father with Prophets and Sibyls

16 43

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky. Ocean.

52 162

How big things looked when you looked through the narrow opening. They acquired volume, shadow, and light: they sort of showed up.

Clarice Lispector. Besieged town.

Justyna Copania

13 28

Island of Valaam. 1866,
Private collection.
Gine Alexander Vasilievich.
Russian painter ~ landscape painter.
(1830 ~ 1880)

24 63

A person will understand the other when the appropriate time comes, and not because the other wants to be understood.

Haruki Murakami.
"Norwegian forest".

Yokota Miharu.

37 81

Oh, there is a fire that neither oblivion nor fear can touch.
A. Akhmatova. from the collection
of poetry "Time Run".

O. Tokarev. "Good morning".

20 49