A superhero graphic novel // The blazing light of hope in the dark // From @erica_durso + @mathewgroom // w @igormontiart +
@becca_see // Editor: @kyledhiggins

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Our "Cássia Collection" C cover is by ; and have 1:25 ratio variant from (colors by Martina Fari)!

If you want these covers, make sure you let your local comic store know! Thanks to all of these incredible artists! 🙌


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We've revealed the covers for INFERNO GIRL RED: BOOK ONE (Part 2 of 3)-- another double-length issue from , dropping in comic stores 22 February 2023!

Our A cover is by , and our B cover is by series artists and !


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Our E cover is by the wickedly-talented , and it matches covers she has done for other Massive-Verse titles , ROGUE SUN and !

Speaking of the Massive-Verse, our F cover is a jam from and , featuring Radiant Black!


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Our C cover is by SHADOW OF THE BATGIRL's , part of "The Cássia Collection"– covers we hope will help stores introduce IGR to readers who wouldn't normally read superhero comics!

Our D cover is by a genuine industry legend– WONDER WOMAN artist !


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A 🧵of covers for INFERNO GIRL RED: BOOK ONE (Part 1 of 3). If you like what you see, please share this around!

Our A cover is by our series artists + . Feel that energy!

Our B cover is by Mat's ULTRAMAN collaborator, the great !


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The end of the beginning. Thanks to everyone who supported on Kickstarter.

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There's a few hours left to back Here's what you need to know: the art by and is 🔥. The original art is still available! There are helmets! There are AMAZING guest artist prints. Let's do this!

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There's some fun news in the latest update, folks, and not one but two projects you'll want to check out.

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