

InfinityArk LLC game/OVA
business [email protected]

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Tomorrow we'll be announcing Yuimei's VA we hope you look forward to it

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Here's Roa and Yuimei in the more traditional attire originally used for our old rewards banner. Still cute tho.

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More bunnygirls here's Aria and Misha also Yuimei as a of a different stripe

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Let's ring in the New Year in style with a brand new featuring Misha, Selene. Freya Yuimei and Roa everyone! This year we intend to get the OVA out, we can't wait to show it to you! Here's to a great !🥂

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This year Roa, Aria, Shiki, Freya, Tiegel, Natasha, and last but definitely not least Yuimei got a voice! We're sorry we couldn't show you who Yuimei's is before the end of the year. It'll be very soon though promise!

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More cute Yuimei art from this year! Did you enjoy these?

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There was so much great Yuimei art this year! Which was your favorite?💕

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If you're wondering what happened with Aquarius I should have news on that soon. I want each VA we hire to get their time to shine and be known. I feel like not enough is done to promote talented VAs. They bring the characters to life with their voice after all.

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