ingaAa | ✨さんのプロフィール画像

ingaAa | ✨さんのイラストまとめ

• ‘graphic design is my passion' with a degree in traditional art • video editor for CaptainSparklez • ENG/PL • banner by @TPedall • Business inquiry ⬇

フォロー数:746 フォロワー数:14230

woop woop !
Hii hullo hey! I'm inga, i'm a transmasc artist that is still not out of the closet due to the hostile enviroment that i'm currently living in but i sure as hell am proud of who i am! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️

21 135

plus actual merch designs ive done for couple of creators!

1 50

i dont likey how it turned out but here

13 234

look at this heckin expensive ring goooddamn

72 1671

🕺armor practice🕺

ft. the vaulty hunter boyos

16 205