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Give it to me straight Doc #comic humour from @SMBCComics @GraficaMedicina @graphicmedicine @anitafamilydoc @NoetheMatt @StefanTigges @ComicNurse @TheBadDr @DotMDConf @TatsGill @richstarkmd @NathanAGray @priyanga_singh @DrKathrynKo @mayorserrano @VirologyComics @chuletadeosler
I was #sick but nobody believed me - #MedicinesWomenProblem #comic #AubreyHirsch https://t.co/BYXTlNh0Oj via #TheNib @graphicmedicine @GraficaMedicina @NoetheMatt @ComicNurse @TheBadDr @DotMdConf @mayorserrano @StefanTigges #graphicmedicine
A collective of #comics journalists share portraits from a free #healthcareclinic in Washington state https://t.co/4tY46rl7k2 @GraficaMedicina @GraphicMedicine @BonKu @priyanga_singh @ComicNurse @NoetheMatt #graphicmedicine @TheBadDr @DotMDConf @mayorserrano @StefanTigges
#MaoFongLim #medicalstudent & #artist co-founded @KCLhealthhums with like-minded students https://t.co/tjJtpytHXX @maotweets meet these guys @comicnurse @noethematt @graphicmedicine @thebaddr @mlalanda @Elephant_In_OR @StefanTigges @DotMDConf @mike_natter @chuletadeosler
What #Doctors Know About #CPR - https://t.co/BnR4Z2mmDh Written & illustrated by @NathanAGray #graficamedicina #graphicmedicine fyi @ComicNurse @NoetheMatt @TheBadDr @DotMDConf @StefanTigges @chuletadeosler @mlalanda @StefanTigges @med2wha @anitafamilydoc @GraficaMedicina
Check out the #graphicmedicine in photos selection of #comic panels at the Globe & Mail https://t.co/7YjYT5zsCu #eatingdisorder, #HIV, #Parkinsons #abuse #addiction & more .. @NoetheMatt @ComicNurse @TheBadDr @GraficaMedicina @StefanTigges @mlalanda @DrKathrynKo @GraphicMedicine
Telling #overdoseprevention stories through #comics: A conversation with the artist @TatsGill https://t.co/u0AkVA0i7h #DontHangOnToMeds #graphicmedicine #graficamedicina #addiction @comicnurse @noethematt @mlalanda @dotmdconf @mayorserrano #securemedicinereturn