

bi,Trans 🏳️‍⚧️ (She/Her) I’m a silly little artist…

フォロー数:1039 フォロワー数:1280

Today's art dump also drew some friends (still drawing more rn)

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Another art dump because I refuse to let this shit take me out

11 67

Squishy queen of the mf galaxy 🌌

10 60

Forgot to fill you guys in once again, my family decided "y'know what let's go on another dumb trip to Texas(no offense but I fucking hate Texas for obvious reasons) and take you" thus slowing production down

1 13

Anyways since promotion is here, I draw stuff
Somewhat daily

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Having a field day with these two

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hello uhhh idk Take this unfinished hedgehog until I get home

3 21

I learned who kuromi was 8 minutes ago

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