Inspired Dragonさんのプロフィール画像

Inspired Dragonさんのイラストまとめ

I am a grown a## adult that loves pokemon and happy about it. Growing up with pokemon has been awesome, I use card art references when I draw my Pokémon art.

フォロー数:629 フォロワー数:384

Shiny Shinx

To celebrate my first shiny in pokémon legends arceus
,I did this art of my shiny Shinx. I ran into them completely by accident and was so happy to see them, I am really happy how the art turned out.

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I helped him by catching my first shiny pokémon, Shinx. Got them completely by accident as well xD, just running along and they popped up.

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My newest Eevee art, trying to get better with shapes and shading still. Always found Eevee hard to draw and get right, here is in order new to old drawing of Eevee.
They are one my favourite pokémon and I almost.always have one on my team if I can!.

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So fluffy and cute, I've not got one yet.
I worked on my shading to get the fluffy look myself, this is my latest. Shiny Mareep

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Shiny Mareep

Wanted to work on my shading, though Mareep is the perfect Pokémon for that kinda of practice, I'm rather happy how it turned out. I always love shiny Mareep as they look like candy floss, so pink and fluffy.

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Wishing everything a great pokémon experience, even if you can't play the game hope you all have a wonderful day!
Here my latest art !

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Shiny Mew

Here is my latest shiny Mew art, I'm so happy how this one turned out. Using different things I've learned over the months I've really been getting into my drawings. I hope to keep on improving, it goes from newest to oldest.

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My favourite Eevee evolution, the first one is my newest drawing. I think I'm getting better with my skills, I hope to develop my own style soon. I want to get better at backgrounds now, I work best with space/starry and water backgrounds right now.
Lo-fi filter used

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I loved the art style for this short, it's an inspiration that there are so many different art styles for their shorts now!
Here some my best work I've done recently

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Shiny Milotic

One bit of art I am very proud of, I've never really done snake like like well. But I'm getting the hang of it.
I will be getting a Kofi and patreon soon, hopefully just have to finish sorting them both out.
Lo-fi filter used

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