

Just a British gaming fan.
If you want theories, I've got a few. New Timelines, too.
Loremaster and Master of BSing.

フォロー数:155 フォロワー数:131

Why not hop in on this, eh?

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But it does otherwise seem to line up with the Death Star II generally:

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Fun Sonic Trivia: when Metal Sonic appears in Sonic Heroes, he's still using the Classic Metal Sonic design. You can tell by the abdomen: Classic Sonic's legs connect straight to it, entering slots, while the Modern design adds a 'pelvis' that the legs connect to.

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Holy s#!t! That thing's an EYE?!

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Hmm, I wonder what aspect of Sonic the Hedgehog I should look into. Ooo, perhaps something from Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles, my favourite game?

Y'know, I've always been curious about that chest crystal of Mecha Sonics. I mean, it's obviously a chest cryst-

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