

Author of Introvert Doodles / The Introvert Activity Book / Kind of Coping / The Little Book of Big Feelings / Positively Introverted (she/her)

フォロー数:44 フォロワー数:15172

What are your plans?

39 191

Is anybody still dressing up? Or are you pretty much living in pajamas, like me?

23 164

Name a book you wish you’d met sooner.

39 176

It’s Election Day in the USA!

7 55

I don’t mind being invited. But I hate being pressured! Extroverts, learn the difference 😂

31 137

Quiet moments 💕

114 369

It’s taken me awhile to figure out how to set boundaries without A) burning bridges, B) apologizing, or C) feeling guilty. Do you have any tips for setting & maintaining healthy boundaries?

34 136

I thought we’d agreed as a society to exist entirely online for the rest of eternity...

30 162