

I draw things that I enjoy, and tweet about video games.

フォロー数:398 フォロワー数:125

Winners of my 100 follower giveaway! I'll do another one at 150 or 200.

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Lucavi of Order and Vengeance, Ramuh enforced the law of the Gods as they cultivated Ivalice. So great was his sense of righteousness that when the Gods unjustly imprisoned the other Lucavi, he turned against his masters, yet fell all the same; and found by Nona.

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Leviathan, Lucavi of Life, Passion, and Love was said to exist long before the Gods arrived on Ivalice. When they arrived, the Gods demanded she swear fealty to them. Refusing, Leviathan was struck down and bound, eventually found by one of her followers, Biggs.

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In ancient Ivalice, heroes of all races and creeds prayed to Shiva; Lucavi of War, Honour, Tradition, and Justice. Jealous of the mortals attention, the Gods struck Shiva down, binding her beneath Ivalice for millennia, until she was eventually found by Felix.

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Nona is the proprietor of 'Nona's Machina Kuporium,' a chain of machine shops based in St. Bervenia. She is Felix's legal guardian and creator of his advanced prosthetics.
Nona's main job class is Machinist. Her personal summon is Ramuh.

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Biggs is a devout follower of the Way of Turning Tides. He broke from his solitary meditation to search for his partner Wedge, who went missing in the Jagdwood.
Biggs' main job class is Monk. His personal summon is Leviathan.

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Felix is a streetrat living in the city of St. Bervenia. He is a descendant of the hero Gaol, and wields the legendary Ayuvir blades, grafted to his prosthetic arms.
Felix' main job class is Thief. His personal summon is Shiva.

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Playing Digimon World: Next Order reminded me how much of a fan I was of the show growing up; and gave me a flash of inspiration for a couple OCs.

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This I bring you my favourite drawing of Rildra I've done so far.

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