

Certified fallen angel death bird thing. I like games, and also girls. | 24, She/Her | PFP by @mrigorbarros | @DarkerJenny_'s lovebird 💙

フォロー数:1153 フォロワー数:1055

this pic goes hard feel free to screenshot

11 47

no way secret kirby super star ultra boss leaked

8 11

im baby im no longer
baby i have

4 22

//17.5 spoilers
it's taotie tuesday but now we have TWO OF THEM!

3 11

oh yeah it's also worm wednesday

2 3

Udongein X beaten on Lunatic

everything you knew about the difficulty of some bosses on Normal gets thrown out the window on Lunatic, some of them LOVE putting you in undodgeable situations, which... isn't really something I can praise the game for, at all.

2 8

I have had a slight influx of new followers, so as a reward, you shall be subjected to her appearing in your timeline

5 7