🍻Bathildis Ironstout🍻さんのプロフィール画像

🍻Bathildis Ironstout🍻さんのイラストまとめ

Proud Dwarven brewer, Dwarf roleplayer, kigurumi cosplayer, n' all 'round cheeky lass. Advocate o' all things Dwarven.

WrA and MG.

Alt: @zeonickig

フォロー数:1576 フォロワー数:1279

Tankard of Terror is definitely a great go-to! Probably the easiest to pull off in a short time-span. (I plan on making a couple myself at some point!) If not that, then any of the Brewfest Steins could work. That new one is especially fancy. Also generic Dwarf steins.

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Is it weird fer a Brewmaiden t' dress like "Th' Brewmaiden" fer Hallow's End? If it is, it's t' late fer me! Come oot an' see us in yer Hallow's End best at th' Ironforge Craft Fest in th' Great Forge at 6!

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17.) Oldest living OC is Thane Delkas Ironstout - the patriarch of the clan. Youngest is probably Duera Forgeheart, my novice Forge-priestess.

Art of Duera by

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Yay rp twitter games! Officialleh on th' bandwagon!

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Ach! Gettin' in on this'n!
...er somethin' like tha', right?

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I'm joining the thing... If this goes well, I'll do one for Alberich and/or Auddy, too!

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Aldrik is an undead assassin for hire. In life, he was part of a smuggler's crew known as the Crimson Sails Company; however, in death he clings onto anything he can find that reminds him of his former existence. He is sarcastic, greedy, and apathetic - only loyal to gold.

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Delkas Ironstout is Clan Ironstout's patriarch. He is retired, but spends most of his days lazily barking orders to Bath in the brewery. When he isn't meddling, he likes to take "Bubble" the brewery's alemental (long story) out on extensive walkabouts around Khaz Modan.

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Alberich Ironstout is Bath's dad. The youngest of three brothers, and the only one to carry on the family business, Alberich struggles with wanderlust. This grizzled dungeoneer travels Azeroth for the worlds best ingredients and brewing secrets.


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