Irregular Anatomistさんのプロフィール画像

Irregular Anatomistさんのイラストまとめ

By Cherry Ferrier. A curated tour of the human body through #art, #science and the history of medicine. Follow to explore the weird, wonderful world of #anatomy…

フォロー数:2086 フォロワー数:5440

Great question!
SAIL for the borders of the sail-shaped femoral triangle:
Adductor longus
Inguinal Ligament
(Illustration: Gray’s Anatomy)

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A couple of cadavers etched écorché from 'New collection of osteology and myology: drawn from nature' by Jacques Gamelin, 1779.

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As it ironically poses with a life drawing, this winged skeleton looks like it could be looking into the lens of its classmate's iPhone! It's an etching published in 1779 in 'New collection of osteology and myology: drawn from nature' by Jacques Gamelin.

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Inflammation and abscesses over the shoulder and back, stemming from a gunshot wound. From The Principles of Surgery by John Bell, 1801.

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A belated Happy New Year to all you irregular anatomists, and also a thank you. 2019 was a difficult year and this account has had to take a bit of a back seat as a result, so thank you all for your patience. Weird, gruesome and wonderful content will be back for 2020!💀

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A fully developed one day after hatching, dissected to show the development of the major organs. Watercolour by Franz Andreas Bauer, 1822.

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'Floral Heart II' - oil on board ©Trisha Thompson Adams, 2017. Explore her beautiful floral work here, or check her out on Instagram:

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'Mona masticating'. Gouache on giclée © Susan Dorothea White, 2006.

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Happy Here is a gift from the heart...
'Ball of fibrin found in the left auricle of the heart' by Godart, Thomas and St Bartholomew's Hospital Archives & Museum,

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Merry Christmas, one and all!
Could this be anatomical evidence of the existence of
By AXS Studio, 2009.

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