

🔞Illustrator, 2d animator and Eldritch Vtuber Mother | Debut Feb 2025 | commissions: isamaraart.carrd.co | vgen.co/IsamaraArt
🎨 #isamaraArts

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IT IS HERE!! PART 9-12!! A reminder to , don't forget legday after your 24 h stream!

was behind s kidnapping all along?! But wait..who..is that behind her..? And what are their intentions with Nux?! Find out next week!

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As promised, part 5-8. is determined to save , while refuses to help! Who exactly is behind the kidnapping of Nux..? Find out next week!

(Lewd/Echi stuff is coming, please don't leave)

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Just read the latest chapter of berserk, and as always, I am left with a gaping wound in my soul. And drawing Griffith kinda helps, so here you go

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Working on the script for my webtoon that will prooobably be released this year. Here's a sneak peek of one of the main protagonists

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But here are some none meme ones

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Working on something special, in the mean time, here's some genos goodness I did a while back.

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