

I'm the one and only true Anarcho-Druid

フォロー数:92 フォロワー数:6

you got some 'splaining to do. Why does your kouhai have "FBI Open up" energy, but a soothing "Ara Ara let me be your onee-san" voice? By the way, I loved watching debut, can't wait to see more!

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And why does she look like the child you two made???

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No, I don't want Mt. Dew Game Fuel. I want Juice by 7up. Picture unrelated. Good morning folks!

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An onésan isn't something I thought I needed, but I'm happy to get one. Best beer drinking onésan. Everyone needs a Mio-san lol

1 10

The look is.... Are you sure you don't turn household cyborgs into killing machines?

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Gotta make sure those cables are plugged in properly

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has got some good genetics. Look at how beautiful her daughter is. Look at her! looks lovely, I'm just sad she resorted to stealing her mama's pudding.

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It's National Ferret Day. And I think the closest I can get for a Ferret vTuber, is ... Someone tell the squirrel I'm going to need her to be a ferret today. Tyvm. Hehehe.

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Youtube captions just make oh so much more wholesome to watch. Purely family friendly. No wonder wifed her.

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