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Al-Khwarizmi (c. 780-850) emphasised that he wrote his algebra book to serve the practical needs of the people concerning the matters of inheritance, legacies, partition, law suits and commerce. He considered his work as worship to God.

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Illustrious Muslim scientists of the golden age, particularly Ibn Al-Haytham (965-1040) and Al-Biruni (973-1048), insisted on natural explanations for the phenomena they were attempting to explain.

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By focusing attention, observation, and extensive thought on astronomical phenomena, one is able to prove the unicity of God and to recognize the extent of the Creator’s might as well as His wide wisdom and delicate design.

—Al-Battani (850-929), illustrious Muslim astronomer.

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Muslim Astronomer Fátima of Madrid (10th-century)👇

She spent most of her life in Córdoba, the world-leading center for all knowledge at the time🌍🎓.

Fátima corrected "The Astronomical Tables of Al-Khawarizmi". She also worked on calendars, eclipses and Moon visibility🌒…

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All that is left to us by tradition is mere words. It is up to us to find out what they mean.

—Ibn 'Arabî

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Al-Biruni (about 1,000 years ago) measured📏📐 the circumference of the Earth🌍 with an accuracy of 99.7% compared to today’s accepted value.

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A pioneer in her field, Sameera Moussa was an Egyptian nuclear scientist⚛️ who became the first woman to hold a university post at Cairo University🎓.

She dedicated her life to make medical nuclear power affordable to all.

📸Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya.

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Ibn Firnas' designs would undoubtedly have been an inspiration for famed Italian artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci’s hundreds of years later.

📸Artistic impressions of Abbas ibn Firnas and his successful 9th-century flight, 1001 Inventions.

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Al-Razi, 9th-century polymath, known as:
👉"Hippocrates of the Arabs"
⚗️He made one of earliest serious attempts to classify the chemical elements🧪,
⚗️was an early proponent of the scientific method,
⚗️and even carried out one of the first clinical trials.

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By focusing attention, observation, and extensive thought on astronomical phenomena, one is able to prove the unicity of God and to recognize the extent of the Creator’s might as well as His wide wisdom and delicate design.

—Al-Battani (850-929), illustrious Muslim astronomer.

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