

Beautiful Islamic art and quotes. This is the twitter account of the Hawramani Institute ( Managed by @IkramHawramani

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So remember Me, I will remember you.

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My Lord, I am in full need of any good that You sent down to me. (Quran 28:24)

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Indeed in the body there is a lump of flesh, if it is good, the entire body will be good, and if it is corrupted, the entire body becomes corrupted, and that is the heart.
Sahih Muslim

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Alhamdulillah: All praise is due to God alone.

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Alhamdulillah: All praise is due to God alone.

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My Lord, I am in full need of any good that You sent down to me. (Quran 28:24)

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Indeed in the body there is a lump of flesh, if it is good, the entire body will be good, and if it is corrupted, the entire body becomes corrupted, and that is the heart.
Sahih Muslim

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So remember Me, I will remember you.

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