Issei Ryuudouさんのプロフィール画像

Issei Ryuudouさんのイラストまとめ

#FateRp // Exclusively Sfw // Writer has any pronouns //

フォロー数:280 フォロワー数:278

Can you all... Please refrain from killing Shirou..? I know he may come back, and I know he's probably gotten himself into trouble more times than I can count... But even so... I can't just stand idly, watching him get hurt...

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That's... a lot to take in still...

But back to the original topic...

What's this about servants?

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Wait you cook the food here? Actually that does make sense. I'll see what I can manage...

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That... is a tough question. All this time I assumed that magic circuits were passed down at birth...

What types of magecraft even is there? What are their pros and cons? Which one is easy to use but hard to master?

*he keeps making questions for a good 10 minutes*

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I must admit, your feats are quite legendary. Not to mention that you were a good king. Not to mention your noble phantasm, your treasury, is probably the most impressive power I've heard of.

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How... do I even create magic circuits?

I looked everywhere in the library and nothing even mentions it!

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I've started reading your epic a while back. The farthest I got to was the part with Ishtar and... Enkidu's...

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