

Writer 💜 Streamer 💜 Dreamer

Pfp credit goes to the AMAZING @spaceboid_

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Tomorrow is the 36 hour stream!!

Lots of fun to be had, especially a chance at some COMMUNITY GAMES!! Hope to see y'all there!

4 12

NEW EMOTE LIVE ON STREAM!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

3 14

May 15th -- it's happening! And lots of stuff planned for the subathon!! SO EXCITED!!! 💜🔥🥳🎉

4 17

BIG THANK YOU to the amazingly talented ! I absolutely love it! Y'all need to check them out, they're incredible!!!!

2 7

Spidey Noir Emote is active and live as of today, btw!!! SO EXCITED! (thank you again ! I love these emotes!)

1 4

Trying to edit my channel and this pops up. Cue big cheezy grin that confirms I'm now a Twitch Affiliate. 😁😁😁😁😁

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