Nuts for Drawing!さんのプロフィール画像

Nuts for Drawing!さんのイラストまとめ

Just a nut trying to break outta his shell. So far...

....Eh, it's a start.

フォロー数:78 フォロワー数:121

hey guys! Sorry if I was silent for a while. I've been a bit busy getting used to online classes/extra help/test-taking etc., but I am working on something! I'll be trying to make another video!! Here's a little 'teaser', and you can guess what it'll be about 😷

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Me: "Now that I'm stuck at home all day, I have plenty of time to draw!"
Also Me:

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I created this a while ago. I really liked how it came out, but I don't think it ever got feedback. Hope you like it though!

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Oh my lord, the villagers are brainwashed prisoners in this game, and only a few manage to grasp their own twisted reality....

why does this game keep descending into darkness?

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Ok, I'm just going to say this- I can't believe this is real. I legit thought this was a joke for a few minutes, but now I see this is official. People like were right about this looking like fanart from tumblr, but the "superpowers" really had me baffled.

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Hey, how do you get your line art so smooth, despite twitter's compression? I've tried experimenting with clip studio, but every time my output looks a little blurry, could you offer any advice?

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I wanted to draw 's Nerd and Jock. I love their "Freak the Mighty" dynamic!

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I got a chance to replay superstar saga, and I gotta say it still holds up as an interesting spin on a Mario game. I wish they kept this style, everyone's so expressive! Popple's especially a character chock full of personality. Love this guy!

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You cannot tell me that this pokémon wasn't cool back in the days

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