

Commissions closed for now. Struggling artist, pro gamer. Pixiv: pixiv.net/u/36197015 I stream on Twitch sometimes twitch.tv/ivorystate/

フォロー数:806 フォロワー数:4092

Idk wtf is goin on with the helmets, but it still goes hard af

5 41

QRT with your eyes

God I need to work on my eye game too https://t.co/MFHRLLpZqH

4 47

Happy Thanksgiving! If you can't be with your family I hope you find happiness in your own way!

14 89

QRT with improvements in 5 years(Okay I haven’t been drawing for 5 years but this is from 2020, I started in 2019 but I don’t think it’s a fair comparison) https://t.co/56FvJ8Cmx8

7 50