Ivy Logan #fantasyforthesoulさんのプロフィール画像

Ivy Logan #fantasyforthesoulさんのイラストまとめ

Award-winning fantasy author of The Breach Chronicles series and avid-reader across genres who loves writing reviews

フォロー数:11887 フォロワー数:25607

Sara I see that you have eclectic tastes in reading. That's cool because my books have adventure, secrets, love, romance, finding yourself, plenty of twists and revenge and redemption & a doze of reality.
writes great &

4 5

"There is something for everyone within the pages of this novel~action, suspense, romance, revenge, absolution, and growth. I very much enjoyed crawling inside the minds of all the main characters, especially Noah."

16 12

"There is something for everyone within the pages of this novel~action, suspense, romance, revenge, absolution, and growth. I very much enjoyed crawling inside the minds of all the main characters, especially Noah."

23 18

That's a lovely thought indeed . Thank you, Kento.

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Hi Sally
Reading for pleasure is imp else we miss out on the JOY of reading. I agree with you completely. I hope you try 'Broken' or 'Metamorphosis' ~ my coming of age books about love, sacrifice and finding yourself.
Appreciate the rec ❤️

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