

An immigrant treating Britain as his home - He/Him/Él / ❤️🖤 / BLM / 🍉

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The Pretenders' artwork could have been another solid option.

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I had a really meh experience on my first D&D game and never tried it again (I'm a WoD guy). However, was so much fun that I kind of want to play D&D now 😅

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I will never say that the flying wizard next to a sphinx is my thing but no one will ever make me believe the opposite either lol

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The artwork from the Everchosen battletome is absolutely amazing. Really like the Pretenders piece from the Hedonites book as well.

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Thanks! That's the idea, weird angels. Though this one is VERY inspired by Final Fantasy' Sephiroth. I'll make it extra so it feels more Slaanesh.

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That moment when you see Safer Sephiroth in the Super Smash Bros video and you think: I want to make that miniature.

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Vox es un partido nazi y cada vez les da menos vergüenza decirlo en voz alta.

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Wait, hear me out... The moon crashing and Skull kid floating around...

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