

Data Engineer & Analyst. Analyzing Game Economies, Tokenomics, and AI. I devour information. My thoughts are my own | @WolvesDAO

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Cowboy, pirate, business seal reporting!

Sappy Seal Saturday Tokenomics day?

I heard you were looking for Axie guilds too

7 22

I feel with Microsoft acquiring Activision for $69B this piece of art by is one step closer to becoming a reality

It's still going to take years, but one step at a time as we go into the metaverse

1 23

Playing WoW 17 years ago was amazing. I'll never forget getting T3 shoulders and clearing Naxx on my mage

One day when I can bridge my loot to the metaverse to equip my mystic, I hope it looks as amazing as what was able to create

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