

Sound Design | JJBA | RGG | Dreamcast | Y2K | Rhythm Games | Cool Jackets | Youtube: JJBASoundDesign


PFP: @Pseudochel
Banner: @BalladDisco…

フォロー数:100 フォロワー数:21417

I can't wait to hear what King Nothing sounds like. It's basically like Moody Blues in terms of cool factor and its use in more detective-esque work rather than fighting. The whole jigsaw aesthetic has a lotta potential too

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If you've made a jojo manga recolor using the anime's color shift palettes and stuff, please feel free to show them off in this thread because I'd LOVE to see them and maybe help more people see them as well

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If you're asking about the coloring then yes. Some of those poses are from the anime as well. Manga coloring:

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All hail Stardust Shooters Abbacchio & Moody Blues (I love the coloring)

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I'm sure someone's done this before but I recolored this chapter cover of Abbacchio & Moody Blues with anime colors

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Okay this is my last recolor for a while because they take too long and I've posted too many lol This one is based on my favorite Jonathan palette from the anime

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cotton candy joseph time

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I got close with this one but I couldn't get some colors working + I got bored of doing it lol

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So today I found out that you could set a layer to "multiply" and it makes coloring a lot easier. I did a quick test with one of Araki's Rai sketches using the razzberry Josuke palette. I know the coloring looks super basic but it was still neat to find this out

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Re-coloring the manga to match the anime color shift palettes is kinda fun

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