

Sound Design | JJBA | RGG | Dreamcast | Y2K | Rhythm Games | Cool Jackets | Youtube: JJBASoundDesign


PFP: @pucciplushie
Banner: @BalladDisco…

フォロー数:100 フォロワー数:21453

Out of all the SSBU characters I see constantly requested, Bandanna Dee is one of the strangest ones. I mean I got nothing against the character but talk about a completely random choice lol At least from my perspective. He never really stood out in the Kirby games to me

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Whenever we get SO, I hope we get some cool new color shift type like a rainbow effect. We got a glimpse of the potential of that with the Death 13 fight but it was only on the ground. It'd be sick to see it applied to actual characters and also pretty stylistically fitting.

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He looks super dopey imo and for some reason his body type completely changed. Toriyama just seems keen on doing gohan's fashion sense post ultimate gohan dirty

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not even araki can save tracksuits

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Four random ones off the top of my head: Courage the Cowardly Dog for its surrealist horror. Tron Uprising and its super stylish take on Tron's world. Samurai Jack for also being stylish and its paper cut-out look. And Chowder, it made great use of color and patterns.

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I'm against more Goku's and Vegeta's in DBFZ but another Gohan? Specifically one-armed Future Gohan? Sign me up. I mean he doesn't do anything particularly unique outside of fighting with one arm but who cares, he's cool

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