

Sound Design | JJBA | RGG | Dreamcast | Y2K | Rhythm Games | Cool Jackets | Youtube: JJBASoundDesign


PFP: @pucciplushie
Banner: @BalladDisco…

フォロー数:100 フォロワー数:21453

I feel like this isn't true honestly. It really only stops for 2 pages to explain feng shui and then the rest is a very high energy fight. Being a highly specific power is imo what makes it interesting and it never felt like it was being constantly explained.

1 3

DBZ (and also DB) had such a clean but stylish fashion sense

6 75

When will they stop being cowards and give me playable super buff and ultra buff goku? We got 10 billion cheeseball what if super saiyan 3's and 4's but no completely irrelevant/obscure BUFF GOKU FORMS!?!?! *MAJIN BUU STEAM ANGER SOUND*

4 36

Yeah, there's just something about that looks cool about it. I wish we got to see his other forms in it too. All we got is SS1 artwork from Final Bout and if I remember correctly, the outfit is in Tenkaichi 3 but that's not the same.

0 5

The back of jotaro's head in this panel really looks like pesci with his hair in his face and I can't handle it

4 81

If Dante ever gets into smash bros at any point I hope to sparda he's not wearing his god dang DMC3 outfit for the billionth time. GIVE ME DMC1 or DMC5

9 76

Why does every character in the 2000 OVA look like they go to the gas station six times a week for cigarettes, sunflower seeds, and twinkies?

139 964

I think all in all it's just nice seeing SO, an underrated part imo, get some love. It also gives me an excuse to post Diver Down stuff. I mean look at this dude:

10 97

I said Moody Blues was the coolest stand but in reality it's Moody Blues AND Diver Down. They are STYLE INCARNATE.

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