

Sound Design | JJBA | RGG | Dreamcast | Y2K | Rhythm Games | Cool Jackets | Youtube: JJBASoundDesign


PFP: @pucciplushie
Banner: @BalladDisco…

フォロー数:100 フォロワー数:21453

Now did you learn anything?

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This is the cutest Chao ever

21 245

I'm secretly hoping this outfit/song are a sly reference to Rhythm Thief, which is also by Sega 🤞

1 39

He would look cool, now I want to see it...but also, don't count Kaito out. I mean just get a load of THIS

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The Dreamcast rhythm game Cool Cool Toon by SNK has such a great aesthetic. It's one of those games that really encapsulates the Dreamcast's vibe

The artist who worked on the game is Ippei Gyoubu, also known for stuff like Gundam & Megalo Box

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Kakyoin probably got it the worst in the OVA's in terms of design, he looks so dang funky in all of them

10 162

giant face at the bottom of the ocean is good horror btw

1 48