

Discord tag is jjjtttddd3 | Constantly writing, and one day I'll have a comic series for y'all | He/Him | PFP by @chonzodraws, banner by @skori_fi

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Oh hey lookie who's right there....

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We're really in the best era of comic book art rn that there's ever been.

So, for any comic book (or even manga) moots, what's some fantastic art y'all have been enjoying as of late?

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Need more people to talk about how ACTUALLY COOL the latest Iron Man run is! I'm greatly enjoying this, especially from a writing standpoint.

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I do find it funny how they're technically the same character, yet I love Goku Black so much more than Zamasu/Merged.

Like I cannot STAND them anytime they're on screen, but I really can't get enough of Goku Black.

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Nah, he's back to his old status quo. He's still cool asf though, with Immortal Hulk levels of visual horror now.

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Panels so good, that someone dedicated enough could write an entire essay off of it.

It's me.

I'm someone.

Had a whole-ass Discord rant about how amazing this two-page spread is.

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Inferno Girl Red is so damn good. It's been almost half a day since I read the third issue and I cannot stop thinking about it.

Everything was perfect. The art and narrative are so impactful with so much emotion behind them. It got me HYPED like no other.

Easy 10/10 series.

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is now officially my favorite comic in the Massive-Verse. In three amazing issues, I'm already left breathless.

I feel like I just watched one of the best movies of my life reading this comic.

I ain't asking you to buy this comic. I'm telling you too.

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This might be THE Superman run for me now. The run where I'm here early on, following through until the end.

The first two issues here are STRONG and left me wanting more. The art is gorgeous, with the most creative paneling I've seen in a comic in a while. Prime example below.

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It's Cooler. And it's always gonna be Cooler. Cause when you talk about who is HIM, Cooler is always HIM! https://t.co/WrxJICYlcG

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