

フォロー数:93 フォロワー数:113

Last episode was depressing!
Here's V-Principal Bump & Raeda Comic. Enjoy!

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Happy Birthday !
I hope you are having an Awesome Birthday today.

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I'm just messing with you guys. 😆
Here's the real end. 🤣

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It's my Birthday today! 🎉 10/6

Even though I won't have much fun today, at least I get to enjoy making a fancomic. Enjoy!

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Maybe Luz finally got the idea who Amity wants to ask out. 😊
Finally made it a .gif!
Can't wait for more soon.
"Us weirdos have to stick together"

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Amity's Green V.S. Pink Hair (HD) & changing the lighting too due to the laptop had an incorrect coloring.

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Chamo: Yay for Mone-! I mean Pactio!

In dedication to Chapter 252. I could never forget this moment. Background is not mine fyi.

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