

christian nationalist.
comic maker guy.
friend to turtles.
biz: [email protected]

フォロー数:28 フォロワー数:8008

watermelon toob top. (2021)

22 156

warm-down drawing from yesterday.

87 733

Carmen talking with her close friend, small Dante.

4 49

Looking for some work.
If you're interested, I'd prefer you'd email me, but you can also send me a DM.

15 38


23 151

In the meantime, here's an old Rosemary drawing I did that an anon colored on 4chan.

44 304

I don't think I ever posted this anywhere, but it's old.

6 53

I bought a bag of Dr. Pepper flavored cotton candy, and let me tell you, I'll never buy it again.

43 268

I found this in a pile.

9 73