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I'm really looking foward to MarineChimaramon's profile!!
The origin of Chimairamon still a mystery after 11 years and i hope that we have more now!!
The official Digimon Twitter, @digimonweb_net, tweeted this hq image for Baboongamon!!
The official Digimon Twitter, @digimonweb_net, tweeted this hq images for Sunarizamon and Gogmamon!!
A study for the Nature Spirits Digimon and the profile for Sunarizamon, Baboongamon and Gogmamon!!
The official Digimon Twitter, @digimonweb_net, tweeted this hq images for Hudiemon and JewelBeemon!!
We already knew that SoundBirdmon and Coredramon will appear on the show, but now we have Orgemon and everyone's favorite, Devimon!!
And once again i'm super hyped to see what happened in the War teased on the official website and why Takeru and Hikari's partners have a such an important key to the adventure.
The Card Game fooled us, Gomamon will evolve to Vikemon!!
Our first look at Precious GEM Digimon Adventure 20th Anniversary Angemon!!
It is one of the prizes from the Memorial Story crowdfunding!!
Designed by the great Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru, Character Designer for Adventure, 02, Tamers, Frontier, Kizuna, ReArise.
The official Digimon Twitter, @digimonweb_net, tweeted this hq images for Sukasimon and Shakkoumon!!
The official Digimon Twitter, @digimonweb_net, tweeted this hq images for Rukamon and Gaossmon!!