


フォロー数:5350 フォロワー数:5846

And still the community is Elite. An easy Sunday trade with our Queen , whom I hold in the highest regard, has united these swampy bandaged brothers. Truly feeling blessed this weekend. Cheers and fam - 🖤💀🫴

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Would never everrr shill on the familia or suggest he see what’s hoppin’ with nope not me not in a million effin years nah no way no how - sorry Frank but I’m just not the one to do it brother. Ok? Cool.
💀 🐸

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or Semper fi, as its more commonly heard in modern days, translates to ALWAYS FAITHFUL or ALWAYS LOYAL from its Latin origin. This couldn't dovetail better with the calling card of the community.

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Good morning on a Friday... back east from LA... with on my mind along with a bit of military phraseology and its history 🧵🪡

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Gm. Recently seeing negative vibes regarding the definition of “NFT Project” from some odd corners. All I want to say is be decentralized af and focus on your community + your mission. Let’s all choose to die on this hill together. 💀🐸

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Aight chilln in LA by way of South Africa and Disney, rejectoor of the 9-5, and King of - enjoyed all you shared on spaces today. I’m in for 3 (and headed out to LA on Sunday). 🤝

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Maybe he started the fire... maybe he didn't... he watches as the world is burning nonetheless 💀🔥

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