Jacky Wong😷✋🏼☝🏼🌅🇭🇰さんのプロフィール画像

Jacky Wong😷✋🏼☝🏼🌅🇭🇰さんのイラストまとめ

A HongKonger who really love Hong Kong so much! Love this home and those fellows! 願榮光歸香港。也願榮光歸所有擁抱自由,民主的地方。 一個人唔會成功,但只要每一個人都盡力既話⋯#MilkTeaAlliance

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雖然香港而家每一日都不停發生緊既荒誕又無恥嘅事, 但係我地都唔可以因此而麻木, 如果真係攰就抖下, 唔好死頂, 抖足精神再返黎一齊行, 齊上齊落
新一年就到, 有乜野新年願望, 相信同路人大家都會明白!


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It's a pity that HK's judicial system has long existed in name only. The checks and balances of power have no effect, which proves that everything related to the will eventually become corrupt.

5 10

Everyone must understand absolute independence and critical thinking, understand the infiltration, coercion, and economic robbery methods of totalitarian , and make defenses and counterattacks. Otherwise, the entire democratic world will inevitably be destroyed by it.

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