

Call me Jack (he/him, 33, bi/ace). I'm just a guy who likes drawing space stuff and big animal people. 18+ only followers please, I will block minors.

フォロー数:345 フォロワー数:4393

Thinking about these two sassy and flamboyant hotshot pilots I got and gotta do more with.

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The aforementioned robot I was considering harassing... Sunny used to be a character of mine who was organic but went and retconned and revised some stuff to make him the same synthetic species as Kenshar... in fact I was lazy and used the kenshar drawing as a base for one

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A bit of a character design study... one of the antagonists from Lingering Wounds, Kenshar, a synthetically ascended jerk who has somewhat lost touch with life as we know it.

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Experimenting with a big fat evil space emperor guy again, maybe a bit toooooo big but I dunno...blobs are fun though

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Little messy thumbnails I used for chapters 2 and 3 of that last story

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A little preview of a small project I'm working on, revisiting and revamping some characters... LJ's mage Akila is here with a fresh new style, Alexei, and his tubby boyfriend Pick... will add more heroes and villains over time but wanted to share.

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Inki can't seem to figure out why she's getting fatter, or where Netta went... that won't stop her from trying to work off the weight, really burn through some exercises and definitely give her new workout clothes a run for their money...they're tight as is, hopefully they last.

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Wake up this morning with a nice cup of mysterious coffee like liquid in a flustered mug

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