

Genshin 702016987 // Star Rail 702422800 // What puts a smile on my face every day ? Rem-san, You-chan and Ganyu =3

フォロー数:598 フォロワー数:254





Happy to see you again... Welcome back Sankuro-san 🥰

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Geniunely glad for you Nate ! Now, it's time to celebrate !

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Heatful day as we reached about 100°F in Paris... Glad I can chill a bit tonight with an ice cream

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These feelings feel particularly strong when friends and/or family are far away from the place you call home 😔 Hang in there Eefhe... By the time you read, I'll send you as many positive Baguette vibes as I can possibly do 😊

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Once again, we have a smirky handsome Max lurking around the corner. Stay safe my friend.

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