

Videogame Void Speaker 🕹️🎙️ Casual Doodle Artist 🧻✍️
Will post channel stuff/fan art occasionally 📰📢

フォロー数:107 フォロワー数:82

Never thought I'd draw Donkey Kong with a stand that's just him but purple. Game corruptions are weird, man.

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Made a tragic comic for a certain art corner.
Take a looksie!

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If Porky got in to Smash Bros. this would be my colour scheme of choice. I think the robotic spider limbs would be a great addition, despite not being canon in wielded way. One can only dream... think I need to replay Earthbounds.

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I was playing and I got dual wielding for Sylvando. This was my first thought regarding his pose.

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Tunnel Snakes rule!
I've been enjoying Gathering Storm.

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When several people you watch start playing Phoenix Wright simultaneously for the first time. Guess I have a lot of content to listen to. 👌

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-> Gets surprised by a treasure shadow
"Ooh! A rare one! Don't let it escape!"
-> Immediately escapes

Yosuke: That's my true strength!

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Whenever I see news about

It is a great time to be a

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Yoo, Happy Birthday with another Infinicrowbar Adventure~!

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Decided to revisit Revolver Knight and make a bodyswap for him.

Really looking forward for King Knight DLC~

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