Jaimie Whitbreadさんのプロフィール画像

Jaimie Whitbreadさんのイラストまとめ

Writer, illustrator, animal nut.

フォロー数:121 フォロワー数:5663

I'm sorry, is it National Unicorn Day and nOBODY TOLD ME????? 😱 Y'all just lucky I already had unicorns in the hopper, ready to go.

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Take a page from the Unicorn's Guide to Modern Grazing and go out and eat some lovely weeds this spring~

I made these for a zine a few years ago, but never could find an economical way of printing and selling it😛 oh well! At least I got to paint some pretty flowers 🌻

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You know how the saying goes~ "April showers...give you a very good excuse to hunker down and do nothing all day." Old unicorn saying. Very popular.

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I don't have any tricks up my sleeves for this lovely April 1st, but I do have a couple of fools I can share.

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The dandelions are blooming around my house, and so it is a fine time for drawing ponies named Dandelion - also for a cup of dandelion tea~

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The adolescent unicorn is full of questions about the world around them - true to that trying age, however, the majority of those questions run along the lines of "how long can I pester X animal before it tries to bite me?"

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Picking the best lush green glade to lounge in whimsically is really an art form, and one which unicorns take very seriously.

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Some cozy cute beasts for your feed, then~

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While most herds live in open prairies and plains, others like the comforting confines of thickets and hedges – these hedge-dwelling unicorns take interior design very seriously.

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Dimorphism between the sexes is low in most unicorn herds, noticeable only in the thickness of the neck or the presence of a beard. But in some herds the does seem to have made their preferences abundantly clear - they produce some really, /impeccably/ handsome bucks.

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