

Shitposter ~ Freelance Trailer Editor ~
Editor/Co-Coordinator for @MLPAnthology ~ Nic Cage appreciator ~ drummer for @mna_band ~ Icon by @batshaped

フォロー数:487 フォロワー数:3329

"Okay... How much of Meg's college tuition did you spend this time, Peetah!?"

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spoodermin ticket acquired 👍

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So, uh... What is the definitive chronological playthrough order for the "Infinite" series? Asking for a gamer.

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I wasn't surprised by the whole Chris Pratt and Mario/Garfield ordeal.
Animated movies take time. Most of which probably started back in 2020. Movie sets were shut down. Big actors needed work and started accepting more voiceover roles.

So, expect more ridiculous voice casting.

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Seeing as how they're copying Uncharted 3 & 4 for this movie, the end of the movie will introduce Elena and set up the sequel which will cover story beats from Uncharted 1 and 2.

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