

Just here to chill. I like anime and I'm giving comics a try.

フォロー数:12 フォロワー数:63

Carly has her hoagie even thought she’s not transformed. Is this on purpose?? 🤔🤔

6 22

Gonna have to stick with Carly for best girl. Love how she’s goofy, but very adorable and genuine.

7 29

1. This dude looks sus 2. Carly looks beautiful as ever 😍 3. The boy Omkai making a comeback and 4. Fighting among the Kamen Corps?? 🤔🤔, that or Icestosterone wants smoke.

9 14

That would be hilarious and soul crushing at the same time.

0 5

Damn the Ramen Rider suit is something I’ve been overlooking. Looks pretty good.

3 11

Question: who is your favorite BH character(s)? Mine are Sawyer and Apex Moth.

3 9

Carly all the way for me. Kimiko falls just behind.

7 20

Question: is the Father Retter in the epilogue of volume 4 and any other Soulfinder characters that will appear from the Soulfinder series, or are they the Kamen America counterparts?

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