

freelance artist, cartoonist, character designer, adventurer, Traditionalist, Catholic and the metal guy with the beard. I can get along with most people

フォロー数:496 フォロワー数:205

Almost 10,000 views? Thanks everyone!

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Some of my favorite memories back in high school were reading the . And then attempting to draw the characters too on printer paper. It’s a shame we’ll never see characters like Hershey OR Julie-Su Because of that… you know

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I never knew about these until now. I guess Ken Penders was responsible for the covers, “looks like his style”. can you guys rerelease the Nights into Dreams comics again?

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My bizarre take on A Disney vlogger who loves the company to the extreme. To be fair, he really makes fantastic if you can get over him squealing and over excitement.

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In the works, I just need to figure out what Toby is being for Halloween. Either Robinhood, Nick Wilde or Slagar the Cruel?

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Designing C. Lupus’s office. It’ll be rustic theme as wolves seem to enjoy the smell of wood. On a zoom call with her patient Patsy, a women with a phobia of Allergies.

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Doctor C. Lupus always has the best candy. A caramel Cadbury in exchange for a shot

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