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Eugène Atget–born #OTD 1857–photographed Paris in its various facets for over thirty years. He was "an urbanist historian, a genuine romanticist, a lover of Paris, a Balzac of the camera, from whose work we can weave a large tapestry of French civilization".
Considered the first officially recognised royal mistress (Charles VII of France), Agnès Sorel died #OTD 1450, aged 28. Influential, with extravagant tastes & powerful enemies at court, she established a fashion of wearing low-cut gowns with one breast fully bared at court.
Engaging exhibition on mushrooms @SomersetHouse depicting them in a diverse range of materials, & also using mushrooms as a making medium.
Rosa Parks was born #OTD 1913: "The bus was among the first ways I realized there was a black world & a white world."
The Great Picture was commissioned in 1646 by Anne Clifford–born #OTD 1590–& depicts significant elements about her life & succession to her paternal inheritance, gained after a lengthy legal dispute. She is shown as a girl & a mature woman, either side of her parents & brothers.
Polymath, Edward Lear–died #OTD 1888–was the first major bird artist to draw birds from real live birds, instead of skins. His nonsense works are distinguished by a facility of verbal invention & a poet's delight in the sounds of words, both real & imaginary.
Victor Mature–born #OTD 1913–"is an incredible concoction of beef steak, husky voice & brilliantine - a barely concealed sexual advertisement for soiled goods…. The more lurid or distasteful the art the better Mature comes across."
George III died #OTD 1820, incapable of knowing or understanding that he was declared King of Hanover in 1814, or that his wife died in 1818. He was satirised as 'Farmer George' to mock his interest in mundane matters & to contrast his homely thrift with his son's grandiosity.