

I like NFTs & Crypto
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· banner by @EvaEllerArt ·

フォロー数:1720 フォロワー数:12428

Go niners!

Thanks for the edit

3 91

been a lot of interest in my grail. Hybrid dxxm mask just hits different. one of the 🐐's. I've paper handed a piece by Daniel and I told myself I wouldn't again. Had to rock it as the pfp for a bit 🦾🦾

30 230

Can’t wait to see what’s in store for all of us!


3 17

pulled some dope savages on tonight's reveal! 🔥🔥

30 120

Rascal and Soul Master

2 22

Proto-9000 and Proxy

2 22

I don't normally post long threads but I wanted to share some of the art for Savage Nation which is just 🔥🔥. The project is based on ten characters with their own rarities. Here they are...

Arsenal and Goji

6 30