

Hi, I'm just here to paint some fantasy stuff. Care to have a look?

フォロー数:188 フォロワー数:416

Of all my unfinished paintings, it's probably this Garuda skin that I wish I would finish some day
...or just redo because oh boi this anatomy...

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fingers crossed for this to turn out right

1 16

Who did better: The artist who painted over it, the AI or the artist(s) work the AI used
probably the later of the three but this was fun non the less :)

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Of all the things we saw at Tennocon, Soulframe got me most excited. I love anything fantasy and with all those years of experience from making Warframe, I'm sure will bring us a new amazing game!!!
Looking forward to see more of the game :3

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Practicing portraits with my GW2 plant
Not too happy with the face but the leaves are nice :)

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Little entry for a dtiys hosted on Instagram (:

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