

Vegan🌱 •🏳️‍🌈 •Pisces ♓️ •Gaymer• #BTLM • Floridian (derogatory)

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Just a reminder that Wonder Woman has beaten Superman every time they have fought in the comics

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Just a reminder that they are sisters…sometimes they fight but they’ll always be there for each other

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A Gotham City Sirens movie should be directed by a woman

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If you have led the X-Men on multiple occasions you are automatically an ICONIC X-Man character…contrary to the belief of a CERTAIN oomf

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While in her Diamond form Emma Frost is a formidable fighter and can take a lot of damage and can take attacks from the likes of Colossus and The Hulk and can keep up with the Inhuman Queen Medusa

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Currently Emma Frost is hosting the latest Marvel Event the Hellfire Gala in an attempt to create some diplomatic friends for the young island nation of Krokoa. This event is a big deal and would not just be trusted to anyone but only a mutant who was trusted

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Emma Frost also made the decision to keep the X-Men out of the Superhero Civil War

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In addition Emma has also been the head mistress of the School For Gifted Children and was unfortunately the Head Mistress during the events of House Of M in which she is the one who realized the majority of mutants had lost their mutations and

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Aside from romantic relationships Emma has also made many friends in the X-Men including Beast Storm and eventually Jean Grey fully cementing her place on the X-Men team

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During the New X-Men run Emma gained a love interest that would turn iconic quickly…Scott Summers the husband of Jean Grey they began having a psychic affair after Jean grew distant from Scott after merging with the Phoenix Force once again

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