

Game Art Director. Pixel Artist.

Opinions & views are my own

フォロー数:1380 フォロワー数:128396

Alex's UVs there on the bottom arm are not broken btw, don't know how you got that result. As it's part of the beta launcher, I think that might be a bug where you switched between Classic-Slim too fast, maybe?

16 1718

Made this for fun the other day. I have trouble with finishing or making stuff because I want everything I make to be super super good, but it feels much better to lower my own expectations and strive for something that doesn't have to be the best. Just keep on creating instead.

19 639

Another piece inspired by Raised By Wolves

9 330

This one has more clear gold ores.

56 1213

I bought a few bugs

13 400

I haven't made a character in pixel art since like 2016 or something... so I made a lil big boy this evening

18 511

OK guys. Face Reveal! That's me!

79 1424

I'm looking for a small pixel art gig. Please DM me. (More art at https://t.co/6kR6j3RlNj) RTs are appreciated! <3

164 349