

30+, french, more stupid than you realise.

フォロー数:43 フォロワー数:480

some mischief during nhs's student days, back when they were young and full of hope, never knowing how much they'd betray each other someday💖💖💖

2 11

instead of dying of QI deviation, NMJ gets turned back into a baby. Cue NHS not knowing how to deal with that (he too is Baby) and Lan Xichen coming to the rescue with his Older Sibling Powers

14 29

I get a throwback to my days. As a treat.

2 17

testing out the new settings on the new laptop bc lol, this version of clip studio is slightly different than what I had before. When in doubt, draw an undead child I guess.

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was like we need more out there and you know what that's true, so random them being teens and having a moment?

4 8

short version is wwx and jyl became heads of the jiang sect, took in xy before the jin could. wwx gets to meet 'uncle' xxc, and of course introduces him to his favourite disciple...😏

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doodled a modern because I love that little fucker and I need no other reason

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modern au: the day lxc realises he's actually crushing on the same person twice

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